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Nature’s designs are ingenious by themselves so why reinvent the wheel? That could have crossed the minds of the creators of Build Modular Shelving with its honeycomb-like structure.
Have no clue about what we are talking about? Mother nature has inspired all kinds of engineering like Japan’s Shinkansen bullet train which is inspired on Kingfishers or more gentle injection needles based on mosquito’s proboscis or a natural airconditioning systme in a shopping center in Zimbabwe based on the structure of termite mounds.

Anyway, Build looks appealing partially because the honeycomb is an evolutionary primer to tasty, sweet honey and thus health and survival. But enough woolly talk. Each stylish Build mddule is freestanding and easily connectable. No tools needed.

Of course it’s multifunctional too. You can carry the modules around using them as chair, storage, or room divider.

Build is also health-friendly. The makers wanted to offer a greener alternative for furniture that’s made out of plywood, MDF, and fiberboard since these materials often contain the hazardous formaldehyde.
Build does not and is 100% recyclable. The designers say you could actually eat. We’d prefer the natural variant of a honeycomb though. But their point is very clear.

More info and buying at Movisi.