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Paraventplus, by Swiss designers Röthlisberger, is marketed as
“a flexible room divider and coat rail in one.”
The piece folds out in a manner similar to a privacy screen for undressing, but is designed for use in larger spaces to create distinct living areas.
The coat rail hangs from the centre of the piece to provide convenience and functionality in what is typically a plain standard furniture genre.
The piece’s golden hue, reminiscent of the vintage style of the 1940s and 1950s, is constructed from untreated ash wood.
The ‘accordion’ nature of Paraventplus’s construction means that is can appear transparent or opaque depending on the angle from which a person views the piece.
The coat rails are made from chrome nickel, with the connections between the ash wood constructed from simple polyamide cord.
Which makes Paraventplus one of the most interesting coat racks and room dividers.
Röthlisberger Paraventplus by Atelier Oï .
30 Freestanding Shelving Systems That Double As Room Dividers